
I had to drive today and forego my carpool. C-man’s second IEP of the year is today. We demanded some changes to what was going on earlier this year and this is the followup to that meeting. There are several incompetent people involved today and the Goddess and I don’t suffer fools well. Wish us strength (don’t believe in luck, or wishing really but it’s nice to have people thinking about you).

This morning the commute music was Metallica – and Justice for All. I’m putting together my playlist for this morning and so far it’s: Metallica – and Justice for All; Metallica – Master of Puppets; Green Day – Dookie; Tool – 10,000 Days. That should consume the time I have before I head into battle.

Todays mantra is SOLUTIONS. Leaving a bucket full of resentment and anger at the door. SOLUTIONS.




I had to drive today and forego my carpool. C-man's second IEP of the year is today. We demanded some changes to what was going on earlier this year and this is the followup to that meeting. There are several incompetent people involved today and the Goddess and I don't suffer fools well. Wish us strength (don't believe in luck, or wishing really but it's nice to have people thinking about you).

This morning the commute music was Metallica – and Justice for All. I'm putting together my playlist for this morning and so far it's: Metallica – and Justice for All; Metallica – Master of Puppets; Green Day – Dookie; Tool – 10,000 Days. That should consume the time I have before I head into battle.

Todays mantra is SOLUTIONS. Leaving a bucket full of resentment and anger at the door. SOLUTIONS.




It's been a while since I've posted anything. My work load over the last couple of weeks has been somewhat daunting and I just haven't felt much like posting. This post is not really going to have too much structure so please forgive me.

I decided that I'd had enough working luches this week and headed out to take my lunch walk…into a light, grey, cool rain. At first I found it annoying. How dare it rain on my lunch walk! After 5 minutes or so I didn't want to come back to the office but just felt like walking the 20 miles home. A couple things occured to me while walking in the rain and pondering. Pondering in the rain. I seem to do my best pondering (not pandering) while diong some type of cardio exercise. Walking, running, biking. Anyway…

The first ponderable had to do with this blog. I think like many people when blogging I secretely hoped, full well knowing it was against the odds, that what I shout into the internet's din may reach receptive ears or some small following will begin to “really listen”. I accepted the fact that while I can occasionally craft really long, complicated, pontificating sentences, I'm not really much of a writer. I'm muddied. I rarely have a structure, or a point. So I asked myself, “Self, what's the point of blogging?”. Here's the answer I settled on: exercise, workouts for the brain meats. So there you go. Insignificant decisions, from an insignificant part, of an insignificant country on an insignificant planet, in an insignificant part of the universe. rawr.

The second ponderable had to do with the teaching profession. This is more opinionated. I think teachers unions do more harm than good to the education system. C-man has his spring IEP coming up and the idea of sitting in the room with these incompetents has me all worked up again. I honestly believe that if teachers (I'm talking k-12 public school teachers here) were expected to perform to the level demanded in much of the private sector that we would see a much more effective education system. The main problem I think that keeps a god merit driven system from being adopted there is unions. You pride length of service over quality of service and you get shit. Sorry, but it's true. I understand the theory behind unions, but the way they work in public schools is to protect mediocrity.

I started exercising again today. My goal is 15 pounds by the end of March. Have a good weekend world. Don't kill anyone.


From Chat today Reubensitos shared this gem: Nothing says I love you like a box of saturated fats and slutty lingerie.

Love that. The Goddess and I have long held that Valentines Day as it’s celebrated today are marketing exercises and nothing more. You really want to do something to celebrate love then go love someone. Be the verb LOVE.



From Chat today Reubensitos shared this gem: Nothing says I love you like a box of saturated fats and slutty lingerie.

Love that. The Goddess and I have long held that Valentines Day as it's celebrated today are marketing exercises and nothing more. You really want to do something to celebrate love then go love someone. Be the verb LOVE.
