This small scale aquaponics project looks like a fun sciency thing to do with my son. Hmmm…

This small scale aquaponics project looks like a fun sciency thing to do with my son. Hmmm…

via Felicia Friesema who wrote an article on the subject in the winter edition of Edible Westside

Just watched this interview of Chris Hayes by Ta-Nehisi Coates about Chris Hayes’ book “The Twilight of the Elites”.

Just watched this interview of Chris Hayes by Ta-Nehisi Coates about Chris Hayes’ book “The Twilight of the Elites”. Brilliant and challenging conversation for this tween brain of mine. It’s long, but IMO worth the time spent.

Flash Poetry

Flash Poetry

Some flash poetry from someone who wishes to remain as anonymous on the net as possible in a chat window today.



i spread

my leathery thick veined wings

gloss black

over the people

the very people who blindly elected me to this dismal post

i spread them

protective at first and always

over mine

precious warm humans

i take wing among them

dipping low to check

and know

only one thing in my silent night watch


but sometimes they scurry

and hide from the cover i provide

only seeing 

that it is



shadows are terror making things

the bat still shields her babies

but because she hangs upside down, sleeps at day, feeds at night

they say

she is not a good mother

and does not love

feather vs. leather

easier to trust and love

something soft and airy

the bat does her job

regardless of how she feeds

and gives warmth

RIP “Screaming” Mimi

RIP “Screaming” Mimi

My son’s hamster died last night and this is a picture of her before her burial this morning. I thought this picture was poignant, and peaceful and beautiful in a way. Teaching about death and impermanence is hard and important. I still struggle very much with those concepts. Thanks for many cute and soft memories Mimi.

Mz Maau is putting together a list of small businesses, crafters and makers for holiday goodness. Add your name. :)

Mz Maau is putting together a list of small businesses, crafters and makers for holiday goodness. Add your name. 🙂

Go to her post here to be added:

Originally shared by Valkyrie Page

These. Feel free to copy them, repost them, and customize them to use in your local area. You can switch the main street image for one of your city. Enjoy!