Day in the Life

C-man and I ended up at Grand Avenue park on Saturday beneath a heavy marine layer that occasionally laid a soft mist down on the already wet grass and really brought up the smell of the sage in the nearby mountains. We kicked a soccer ball around and I did my best to run 7 year old wiggle out of his body (and mine…oy…the soreness). We were joined toward the end by Carlos the grandfather and Kayla the 2 year old with a belly laugh that echoed from the hills (despite the heavy blanket of cold grey clouds). They exhibited one of the things I love about LA. He was born poor in Chile and emigrated to the US were he got an education and has become a successful commercial real estate developer he is married to a Chinese immigrant. His son married a Thai immigrant and his granddaughter responds to English, Spanish, Chinese, and Thai. We talked for some length on soccer while C-man helped Kayla move around on the tricky playground. =)

After we cruised on down to the local donut shop and stocked up (rainbow sprinkle for me, glazed for C-man).

Huntington! We cruised down into the $$$ neighborhood of San Marino to check out the new garden at the Huntington Library. It really is beautiful. I have pictures that I don’t have time to put up right now as we are getting ready for our next adventure, but I will I promise. They won’t be the best as the lighting was difficult, but we will see what my little camera can do.

We are going to be joining my parents for a drive to Oak Glen out by Yucaipa. APPLES! It’s been a couple years since I’ve been up there but as usual I will be diving in the bins of the apple farms looking for the Goddesses all time favorite hard milled soap. Apple Blossom.

Enjoy your Sunday.

A Day

C-man and I ended up at Grand Avenue park  on Saturday beneath a heavy marine layer that occasionally laid a soft mist down  on the already wet grass and  really brought up the smell of the sage in the nearby mountains. We kicked a soccer ball around  and I did my best to run 7 year old wiggle out of his body (and mine…oy…the soreness). We were joined toward the end by Carlos the grandfather and Kayla the 2 year old with a belly laugh that echoed from the hills (despite the heavy blanket of cold grey clouds). They exhibited one of the things I love about LA. He was born poor in Chile and emigrated to the US were he got an education and has become a successful commercial real estate developer he is married to a Chinese immigrant. His son married a Thai immigrant and his granddaughter  responds to  English, Spanish, Chinese, and Thai.  We talked  for some length on soccer while C-man helped Kayla move around on the tricky playground. =)

After we cruised on down to the local donut shop and stocked up (rainbow sprinkle for me, glazed for C-man).

Huntington! We cruised down into the $$$ neighborhood of San Marino to check out the new garden at the Huntington Library. It really is beautiful. I have pictures that I don't have time to put up right now as we are getting ready for our next adventure, but I will I promise. They won't be the best as the lighting was difficult, but we will see what my little camera can do.

We are going to be joining my parents for a drive to Oak Glen out by Yucaipa. APPLES! It's been a couple years since I've been up there but as usual I will be diving in the bins of the apple farms looking for the Goddesses all time favorite hard milled soap. Apple Blossom.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Bullet points

  • The IEP went better than expected. It's amazing how much more likable people are when they do what you want them to do. After we listed the things that have gone wrong so far, we annouced we had given up on the public school system here and were going to homeschool C-man. The district functionary offered us a spot in a local private school, Frostig School in Pasadena. Average class size is very small. They are putting together a program for kids with AS. We'll be touring the school on Tuesday and I already have a couple pages full of questions. Fill you in more as we learn. Looking at the stuff on the web for the school, I'm both encouraged and discouraged. My major concern is the academic portion of the program. Conrad is excelling in academics right now and I want to make sure that continues while he learns tools to deal with a world in which the majority of the population thinks differently and, more importantly,  is structured to meet their own strange way of thinking.
  • Meeting up with Dirk and the twins this morning at a local park and we are gonna kick the old soccer ball around for a couple of hours. If my leg doesn't fall off at the knee it'll be a fun flashback. Dirk was on the very first AYSO soccer team I played on in 1976. I don't even remember the name of the team. He was left wing and I was right wing. He, Teddy Goodman, and not winning a game are the only things I remember about that team.
  • C-man kicked ass this week at school so we are going to do something fun this afternoon and evening as a celebration.

<edit> Morning soccer game called due to heavy marine layer and mist. Just going to be C-man and me.